Na humanističkoj radionici održanoj 7.5.2016. razgovarali smo o povijesnim razdobljima koja su ostavila težak i neizbrisiv trag u ljudskoj prošlosti. Osvijestili smo i pojasnili pojmove: rat, robovlasništvo, moderno robovlasništvo, segregacija, imperijalizam, nacizam, fašizam, holokaust, totalitarni režimi i vođe.
Hair – Let the Sunshine In (kraj filma)
Hair – Let the Sunshine In (kraj filma)
Robovlasništvo – Segregacija – Apartheid
Billie Holiday – Strange Fruits
Nelson Mandela
Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges – cijeli film
DJećji rad
Djeca robovi na plantažama kakaoca
Djeca rudari
Mahatma Gandhi
Cabaret – Tomorrow belongs to me
Hitlerov govor
Schindlerova lista
Girl in Red – Spielberg said the scene was intended to symbolise how members of the highest levels of government in the United States knew the Holocaust was occurring, yet did nothing to stop it. “It was as obvious as a little girl wearing a red coat, walking down the street, and yet nothing was done to bomb the German rail lines. Nothing was being done to slow down … the annihilation of European Jewry,” he said. “So that was my message in letting that scene be in color.”
Schindlerovi lista – Schindlerovi Židovi danas